Monday, October 31, 2011

Discouragement and victory coexisting. . .

When we met on our walks yesterday (Monday), Tanya and Olga were sad about so many rejections of invitation to the Bible Club that afternoon. It seems that as they get older they find other things to do here, just as in the USA. However, watching them go door to door and praying as we went, I knew and asked God that He would reward this act of faithfulness somehow. Fifteen young ones and two older teens showed up. The blessing was that most were ones that had NOT been invited that morning.
I wlll go this afternoon and provide the 'Americanski curiosity amusement' and pray for the Lord to use that as well.
Pray for Olga, a very gifted young lady from Izhevsk, as she helps Tanya here in Chur with this Bible club and a new one in Yaksur Bodya nearby. Pray for the hearts of the young ones and the parents as Jesus walks among their needs to offer them His life. Pray for other laborers into this harvest field.

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