Thursday, October 27, 2011

All we can do is pray. . .

After the first day, the most important thing that is so necessary is PRAYER! Not only do people who do not know the Lord need prayer for them to be able to hear God's voice, but the one's who proclaim His message desperately need prayer to keep going with a seemingly impossible task. Life is hard enough in the places we call 'home'. We go about our daily routines and find plenty of obstacles to stress us and wear us down. Try doing it in a place where the whole culture, language and weather is drastically different.
What can you specifically pray for?
1. That God would open doors of people's hearts when they are met by the good news bearers
2. That God would energize the good news bearers with His strenghth.
3. That His Word would find good soil to grow in and bear fruit that multiplies.
4. That His glory would be seen in all of it and He would be exalted.
As we say many times in a crises situation, ALL WE CAN DO IS PRAY! It is God who gives the increase.

God bless you as you meet with Him to join Him in prayer for His kingdom agenda,


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