Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wonderful time of rest and being with friends. . .

It has been a great week. Beginning with a worship time with the team in this same village, then going out into other villages and watching 'the master' at work; both in us and them and now being alone with some dear friends to rest and enjoy this 'end of summer/beginning of fall' weather. I really like my work as a disciple maker with the 'master'.

Of course you may not think a hike out in the woods, up a mountain and back is much of a rest. It does allow you to see things from different perspectives. Sergei and Tanya invited us to live in their home these past few days. Being able to sit, talk, drink lots of tea and get to know each other more and grow 'with the master' is a very good thing. Tomorrow we will share in this same 'communion' with others of this same place. It is very restful. It is very close to a view of Heaven.

I've found this in Arkansas, other places in the world and especially here. Resting and working together with friends and 'the master' is a picture of Heaven on earth.

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