Friday, September 3, 2010

"I believe in God, but. . . "

This is a common response to a survey we took in a particular village. It is not unusual to find people who do believe in God, maybe even know about His Son, and believe that He died for the sins of the world but, to believe that He would forgive them and accept that with their heart is the obstacle. " I believe in God, but I don't know if He could forgive me"... was the response of Riaya.
That is the case with several people here. They believe about it, but do not have a belief in their heart to make this life changing decision. This is the need for much prayer.
I believe this is the case over the whole world, even in America. Many know about Him, but do not have the relationship with Him.
When asked, do you read the Bible, the response is "no; I'm too busy" or I don't understand it.
Have I mentioned there is the call to prayer and the subject of prayer. . . . "no one can come to the Father except the Spirit draws him. . .".

keep praying

1 comment:

GreezyCreekGirl said...

What a good reminder for each of us! We can't just know "about" Him, We must "KNOW" Him! Love your pictures! Yes it does look like Ar. Remember you each day.

Jana and Sue