Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello from Red Square in Moscow Russia. . .

We made it this far. Had a very smooth trip. Thanks for praying. It was good to see some of our friends here and spend some time with them. It seems they've gone through some American food 'deprivation' problems so where's the first place we ate. . . . . McDs. . . . yes, it's everywhere.
Now Brad is an official Russian tourist. . .He's been to Red Square.
We'll have more to tell tomorrow. Got to get rid of a little jet lag tonight. Keep praying!

Jack, Sara, and Brad


glenda5951 said...

Great to read your news. Congratulations Brad but I knew you would be great everyone is praying for all of you including and especially myself have a great trip will talk soon. Berta surgery 14th of Sept 6:15 in morning. Your friend Glenda

Monica said...

Looking great!