The seminar on spiritual gifts was very successful. Good attendance with at least 4 or more churches from Udmurtia represented by leaders from these groups, a great presentation by Mark McManus from New Hope Baptist of Yellville, AR., wonderful singing and God's presence all added up to a picture of blessing and grace honoring the Lord.
The Lord is indeed 'building His church' and the evidence of that in Udmurtia is shown by the eagerness and hunger of young people like this new family desiring to learn more about fellowship and service to God through the power of His Spirit and faith in the Lord Jesus. HOPE4Udmurtia is blessed by being a part of God's move in the hearts of people like these two. We praise the Lord for what He has done this weekend with this seminar and look forward to hearing of the fruit that will result.
Keep praying for us and the showing of the Jesus film in some new areas next week.
Serving Him together,
Jack Gilliland, pastor Rea Valley Baptist & Udmurtia VSC